Trick-or-Treating at The Barnyard
This year is the first year Vincent will go trick-or-treating, since he is now old enough to kind of ‘get it’!
There are quite a few events that go on around here for little ones, but the only one we could really make it to because of the timing was at the Barnyard Shopping Center in Carmel.
We had earlier made plans to go with our friends to the pumpkin patch, but i asked them if they wanted to do this instead, so they said yes.
We met at RG Burgers and ate lunch, then headed over to the shopping center to trick-or-treat.
We dressed Vinny in his Mickey Mouse costume. When we tried it on at home he immediately took off the hood, but when we were there today, he kept it on fine.
I went as Minnie mouse!
Vincent and Charlotte checking out the decor. Vinny tried to eat the corn of course!
Yay! Having fun just running around!
His favorite was to just walk up an down all the steps – they have a lot of them at this place.
He did good going up to the shops and picking out his candy, or holding out his bucket for the candy. This lady gave him a bunch! I think she thought he was cute.
Group photo time! Charlotte trying to steal the show!
And family picture — yep, just got back from Disneyland.
Charlotte trying to steal Vinny’s candy! LOL
Bonnie trying to snag a lollipop from the Kid kraft table!
Found a balloon on the floor, so we gave it to Vinny.
I’m glad we went today — it was fun to get dressed up and see all the other costumes out there – of course my favorites were the homemade ones. There was a kid dressed up as a laundry machine, another as an iPod, and another as a scuba diver. We even saw an adult dressed at the “guy with the yellow hat” from Curious George, which we laughed at because Jeff’s parent sent us his costume from when he was little that his Mom made of Curious George. So if we had dressed Vinny as that, that would have made a good photo!