A Flag for Memorial Day

Posting up the Flag

Jeff noticed that we had a flag pole stand thingy in the front of our house. I never noticed it before, but while we were out shopping at OSH, he asked if we could get a flag. I said sure why not. We got one with a flag, a pole, and a stand, even though we thought we didnt need one. Well luckily it all came together because once we got home, we realized the pole was way too thick for the existing stand. A few drills later and voila we have a patriotic flag to fly on holidays!

American Flag

Happy Memorial Day!


Right next to the flag, by the walkway leading to the front door, we have a huge bush of hydrangeas. They are just now starting to come in for the summer. I love the transition from green to pink! I also noticed today on my drive to the gym that all the hills are turning from green to brown! Its not that pretty when its in that “inbetween” stage! 🙂

This weekend we didn’t do anything too eventful, besides continue to sharpen up the house, nursery, etc. I will update about our living room projects once it is all done!

The weather was a little strange this weekend. Sunny, warm, nice, windy, rainy, all in one. We ended up bbq’ing on Saturday night and it RAINED for like the 10 minutes Jeff was outside grilling hot dogs! How funny. We had a good, relaxing holiday weekend though. We’re not much for going out and being out and about anyway, though a part of me tells me i should GET OUT NOW while i can before the baby comes! Call it nesting i guess, or we’re just deep rooted homebodies. 🙂

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