First Ultrasound with a Heartbeat!

Ultrasound - 7 weeks 6 days

Technically this our ultrasound. Our first ultrasound showed an empty gestational sac at 5 weeks and 6 days. The doctor was a little worried but told me to come back in 2 weeks to see if “the pregnancy was viable” – i.e. heartbeat.

Two weeks was FOREVER! but we finally made it and there’s our little baby – heart beat flickering away. Doctor said was too early to measure the heart rate but it was great news that it was there and beating. My husband Jeff came with my to the appointment. I was nervous but hopeful there would be good news.

Our next appointment is Jan 6th, and we meet our actual OBGYN which is another doctor in the same practice. We got a packet of information to read at home before our next visit regarding what to do during pregnancy, and the myriad of tests that can be done for your baby before its born. Oh my! So many decisions. We’re beyond excited though!

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