Happy 4th Birthday Vincent – A Lego Themed Birthday Party
This year we decided to do a party at a venue – and since we had to use up a gift certificate sent by my sister for Vincent’s 2nd birthday (yes, two years ago… ) we decided MyMuseum was the place to go! It certainly put the pressure off me to think up of ideas to keep the kids entertained. We also picked a mid afternoon time slot so we didn’t have to worry about providing a meal – as we all know kids don’t eat anyway! I started to think of theme ideas by going off of the colors of the MyMuseum logo. They were going to provide the party favors, table cloth, and balloon centerpiece in red, blue and yellow. These colors could actually work with a variety of themes, buto of course we decided upon Lego because Vincent truly does love that movie, and the song / music video “Everything is Awesome”
The invitations were easy – all you need is a 1-inch punch! The text was designed after the lego box.
Here is the party room. I added the favor bags, and just stuck their favors inside of it, along with some other goodies (see later in this post). We could have had 15 children attend the party, but we only ended up with 7 i think. (We were expecting a couple more but they got stuck in traffic.) 15 would have been a bit crowded anyway.
I made this birthday sign to look like the lego logo. I also printed out the lego people on cardstock to place up on the walls.
Target had these cute lego banners — so perfect and no work for me!
Ikept the food simple but colorful. Fruit tray, veggies tray, cheese and crackers, rice krispy treats with added M&Ms to look like legos, chips, and candy popcorn. Jeff made a number 4 out of legos for a bit of decoration.
The museum made a sign for Vincent. There was another party at the same time but it wasn’t too crowded at all.
Pop-pop took care of Melanie while i was busy tending to the party. She seemed to have a great time.
Vincent was having a blast following all his friends around the museum. He was whizzing by and i hardly saw him for more than 2 seconds.
Vincent did come when we called for cake and presents! He didn’t eat much else though – this juice box, and 2 M&Ms is all i recall.
The base of this cake was madeby Nob Hill and we created chocolate legos from a mold i bought on Amazon. Plop Plop.
Everyone singing happy birthday to Vinny!
Took a few tries to get the candle to go out.
This kid had a fork, but then it dropped on the floor and no one picked it up for him so he dug right in with his bare hands. Miracously none got on his shirt. Tell me, at what age will this child be able to consume his birthday cake without making a mess? Taking bets now, comment below.
Little Vic made it to the party despite the traffic from San Jose!
Olivia and her mama. She’s eating her cake so nicely.
Alison and Ethon – Vinny’s right wing man. They were inseparable.
Charlotte eating her cake ever so delicately.
The punch box game! Each kid lined up to take a turn at punching the circle to reveal a lego figure. It took me a while to figure out how to make this because it required a perfect box. I ended up using the box that the popcorn came in (that of which i had to buy 50 cups of)
The waters were decorated too of course! Duct tape is all you need. And well, a sharpie to draw those faces.
The birthday boy’s daddy.No picture of me,but i had the perfect shirt on that i borrowed from a coworker that had holes in it that looked super-like a lego!
The favors had duplo legos, candy wrapped to look like a lego, candy popcorn, and a lego figure. The My Museum favor had a rubber duckie, hand stamp, sticker and bubbles.
I made these Thank You cards and made Vinny sign each one. He did a great job following instructions.