Vincent’s First Bath
Vincent’s umbilical cord fell off right before i took this photo on Monday – a lot sooner than i thought it would since they said it would take a few weeks. After he had his second doctors appointment that Friday, the doctor said we were ok to give him a “real” bath! (BTW – at his doctor’s appointment he weighed exactly 7 lbs – up from 6 lbs 5 oz)
Here’s all his bath stuff!
Jeff gets the whale tub ready with warm water.
He cried, but not too bad, and mostly only when we poured water all over his head and face!
Butters was right there with us witnessing it all! My mom was taking photos.
Proud daddy and clean Vinnie!
I can’t tell – does he like the frog towel on his head?
Overall he was a trooper and i think he enjoyed getting fresh and clean. “Did you get behind my ears Ma?!?”