Glider for the Nursery

Glider in the Nursery

We ordered a glider for the nursery last week and it arrive pretty quickly in a huge box (see below). Haha, its funny that Butters is in both of these pictures! Silly boy, he loves all the boxes that are coming in and out of the house with all the swings, car seats, and misc baby stuff that has been coming our way. Jeff and i put the glider together and the hardest part was putting on the dang cushions! The one for the back was too tight, and accidentally ripped the side of it! Safety pins to the rescue…

Carter's Glider Box

Oh yes and the ottoman is quite lovely. As you can see it barely fits in the room, but it works. Thank goodness we dont have closet doors.


Here’s an updated look at the rest of the nursery. I bought that little green mini-ottoman/storage thingie. It currently has a bunch of diapers in it that i unrolled from the 2 diaper cakes i got from my shower. Love the color!

Added Wall Graphics & Frames

When Patti was in town for my shower she came over and helped organize the nursery and put up decorations on the wall. We did a good job i think! Teamwork! It took a while to figure out how we were going to place everything but i am digging how it looks. Torie and Patti got me the lamp and the wall frames. The orange one is a little defective though and hangs crooked because the hole is crooked in the back! I have to find a solution to that because it will drive me bonkers!

We have Diapers!

The closet is finally somewhat organized. Diapers galore, some outfits i hung this weekend with baby hangers i bought from Target, all the toys hanging behind the glider. i think i want to get a smaller cabinet to fit below the hanging clothes so i can store stuff. I know i’ll also need to use it as a table to put some water or something when i am nursing.

Fisher-Price Snugabunny Swing

Bought this Snugabunny swing for the little one a few weeks ago. Hope the baby enjoys it! It swings a little fast i think… but it had good reviews online. Right now its sitting in the office cuz there isnt any room in the nursery, It might stay here or go out the living room when the baby gets here.

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