Furniture Shopping
My parents are in town and have graciously offered to get us new furniture (i.e., non-garage sale, non-ikea, non-apartment-cheap-o-crap) for our house! Jeff decided to stay home and watch football and leave the shopping to Mom, me, and my Dad. Good call Jeff! I know he would have gone bonkers, the couch shopping last week was already too much for him (i took way too long to decide on throw pillows apparently!). The furniture extravaganza was very successful. We purchased a dining table with 6 chairs, a coffee table, an end table, a bedroom dresser and chest, two bedroom end tables, and a tv stand all for $5000. Thanks Mom and Dad!
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Comments ( 1 Comment )
christina | Sep 17, 2009 at 1:53 pmthat sounds like a great deal for that many things!! I mean its a lot of money but not for that much. some bedroom sets are that much. isn’t it soo cool to have real furniture? lol we have bought a few things but we REALLY need some REAL chairs lol for our kitchen table. We’ve had these fold up wooden chairs for probably years now and they are slowly breaking one at a time underneath people lol
but considering they were only $10/each they have definitely been worth the money. i’m sure you two have sat in them before. lol
all the things you picked out look awesome. love your choices. oh and Jim SOOOO would have been home watching football with Jeff lol
oh by the way did Patti ever tell you I accidently called her hubby Jeff instead of Chris? lol