Vincent “Meets” Aunty Jill

Video Chat with Aunty Jill

Thanks to modern technology, Aunty Jill (my second oldest sister) could meet Vincent all the way from Brisbane, Australia! Here are a few photos that captured the moment. Vincent was sleeping in the beginning, but then he woke up towards the end and Jill was able to see him with his eyes open.″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]

My mom and I with Vinny – this is from Jill’s view.″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]

I love the look on Vincent’s face here! He likes Aunty Jill.″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]″ thumbnail=”small” overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]

Our view of Jill. She is currently going to dental school in Australia and is living with her fiance, Glen. They’ll be married in January in Hawaii. Glen has three children who will be Vince’s cousins!


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