Melanie is 9 months!

9 months! Next month we will be in the double digits. These months are just flying by!

She is very content on sitting up and playing. We usually put her next to a big red box filled with Vincent’s toys like legos and other things. She sits and plays, reaches for things too, but just within her little circle. Her favorite toy in that box is a firehose. Not really age-appropriate. She also really likes strings and power cords! She gets real mad/vocal when you take them away from her.

I fed her puffs. She’s learning her “pincer grasp”. She has a funny look on her face after you feed one to her. She’s not quite ready yet i dont think. The label on the container says to wait until she is crawling with her tummy off the floor and she is not there yet.

She is able to rock up on her knees though. So she’s working on it!

It’s funny to watch her. She does get scared easily — watch the end of this video. She also instantly cries whenever she falls backwards when she’s sitting up.

When we went to the doctor for her 9 month check up, the doctor was a little concerned she was not crawling/pulling up AND not rolling over. She said two milestones not being reached might be a little red flag, so she told us to have a free developmental assessment by a professional. Jeff and I are going to wait a little bit before doing that. If she is still not crawling in a month or two then we might schedule the appointment.

Oh, and speaking of doctor, we did take her to the specialist for the mole on her face, and they confirmed it was likely just a fatty deposit that MAY go away with time — could take a while. So we should just wait until she’s about 4, then discuss options for removal (which would definitely involve general anesthesia)

I got a good shot of her new tooth coming up!

What Melanie would look like with Mommy’s hair? She’s probably going to get Daddy’s hair though.

We went on our first hike with her in the backpack. She seemed to dig it. (See separate post)

Melanie also had fun Trick or Treating at the Barnyard. Next year it will be better when she can walk! (Note to self, stroller not a good idea at the Banyard — too many steps!)

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