Grandparents Arrive, Visit to San Juan
Grandma Don, Grandma Jerrie flew in from Hawaii on Tuesday night to be here for the week to celebrate Vinny’s birthday. They arrived late so Vinny was already sleeping. But they were so eager to play with him the next morning when he got up at 5am for his feeding … i had to take him away from them because he was not ready to get up! I had to actually rock vinny back to sleep (which i dont ever do!) because they kept wanting to come in and carry him when he cried! *sigh* But once Vinny got his rest and was ready to wake up, all was fine.
Mom and I went to get haircuts from Bonnie Skizzors in the morning, then we headed to San Juan to celebrate Kathy’s birthday (which is on Sunday).
On the drive up, Vinny and Grandma Jerrie were playing peek-a-boo. So cute. He loves peek-a-boo so much!
We had a potluck for Kathy’s birthday. I bought Spam Musubis. I love it, not sure everyone else did! Haha more for me…
Kathy loved her birthday gift of charm bracelet and individual charms from everyone. I got her a camera, typwriter, and a boston terrier.