Vincent is 4 Months Old
Vincent is 4 months old! My what a change from 1 month ago. Look at how tall he can lift himself up now when he is placed on his tummy. Last month he would only lift off for a second or so, and even then it was not enough to take a photo of his face.
He looks so cute in this collegiate sweater — again thanks to Patti’s son Evan’s wardrobe.
He is so much more aware of his surroundings and is able to control his arms by bringing them together to hold things. He loves to play with his toys, especially the round pliable balls we bought him and his kick n’ play piano.
He loves to exercise his voice and smile and laugh at his reflection in the mirror. He especially loves it when we come up to him from upside-down and smile and coo and him. His eyes get so bright and cheerful and he lets out a big laugh. He looks so adorable when he is “looking up”.
We love you Vinny!