Finding Daycare, No iPhone, and Other Happenings
Jeff and I went to see visit a new daycare lady on Thursday and while we drove up to her house there was a big puddle at the curb and Jeff says, “Uh oh, be careful, don’t step in the puddle” – and as soon as i open my door, PLOP! My purse turns upside down and empties itself into the water. I gather all my wallet contents (since i never keep my wallet and purse closed) and also dig my phone out from the muddy abyss while swearing a few curse words! Aiyah. Did some research and i guess a bag of rice helps take the moisture away. I also happened to have a few japanese crackers that i know always carries the silica gel packets, so i ripped all those open and made a little concoction for my phone to sit in for 24-48 hours.
So the daycare lady seems great. She is watching a 5 month old boy right now and “he needs a friend” she says! She also has 3 kids of her own, 6 (boy), 9 (boy) and 12 (girl). She starts watching Vincent December 1st.
Jeff was gone this weekend (Friday night through Saturday night) attending a Furthur concert in Monterey with his brother and a few friends. He brought back this cool tie-die onesie!
I had to take care of Vinny all by my lonesome with my bunk hand, AND no iPhone! Psh! It was hard! I couldn’t communicate with Jeff or kill time browsing Facebook while breastfeeding. ALSO! I couldn’t log Vin’s routine. I normally write when he eats, poops and sleeps. Here is a screenshot:
He is still on a 2-hour “eat, play, sleep” routine during the day. At night, we just started swaddling him again so he has been going about 5-6 hours between feedings which is great! Hoping soon he will transition to a 3-hour routine.