Visit with Jen & RJ
My old college roommate Jen is now living in Carmel with her husband RJ. After college these two got married and then lived in Korea for a year. After being overseas they got stationed in Maryland for a couple of years. About a month ago i found out they got stationed back in Monterey where they met. RJ was going to Defense Language Institute (DLI) to learn Korean. Now he is back learning more of the language. We had breakfast with them at Em Le’s in Carmel-by-the-Sea.
I had their famous french toast which is like a hybrid of toast and funnel cake. Two days in row for funnel cake! Might as well live it up while i’m pregnant.
The house that they are renting out is right within walking distance to Carmel beach! How sweet! Jen said they allow people to do bonfires there and they we should plan a date. Jen and RJ will be here for a year only, and i know it will fly by. Hope we can see each other often while we can.