Walks in San Juan Bautista
Since i’m “too pregnant” too really get some good exercise doing my normal thing at the gym, i’ve been trying to go for walks during lunch time and/or after work. Most of the time if i wait and go home to Salinas for a walk it is super cloudy, so i’ve been staying up in SJB wherever it’s nice and warm. If you look at the picture, you can see the heavy fog layer over the hills!
I always try to see how many kitties i can count on my walks! Usually i count at least 4 or so, but only in the afternoon it seems. During lunch my walks are shorter and i think they all sleep during that time. After work they are out and about for sure. This black cat was exceptionally friendly.
This one was kinda a scare-d-cat and didn’t have a tail!
And we can always count in seeing chickens. This time of year there are chicks cheep-cheepin.