Halloween Pumpkins and Cookies

NY & Ghost

Happy Halloween! Jeff had his pumpkin plan days in advance… NY Yankees all the way. I on the other hand, spent a good hour looking at ideas online and ended up with this lame ghost. I like the way it came out just didn’t seem to original or particularly hard to carve. But I am happy with it. Yankees won their game tonight! Jeff laughed at some trick-or-treaters giving him crap about Phillies winning the series. We got a lot more trick-or-treaters than we expected. We ran out of candy at about 8pm. We probably ate a good 1/3 of the candy we intended for trick-or-treaters, so if we didnt eat any we probably would have had enough. Next year: buy candy we hate. Which of course, is not much! Almond Joys maybe?

Earlier this morning i taught a turbo kick class and made some halloween cat cookies to take to our neighbors. Jeff helped out with the cutting and decorating.

Cookie CutterDiane Decorating Cats

Halloween Cats

Arent they so cute! I love the whiskers and the skeletons which were both Jeff’s idea. He thinks he isnt creative but he totally is! We had so much fun baking and decorating these. We walked over to our neighbors and introduced ourselves. It is a lady Katherine, that lives there with her son Greg.

We walked over to the other neighbors but they were not home. Jeff has already met them before but can’t remember their names, and i only met the lady once before we officially bought the house. We were going to take the cookies over later, but (of course) ended up scarfing down the whole plate of cookies before we got a chance. Guess i’ll have an excuse to bake another time!

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Comments ( 1 Comment )

Woo Hoo!! Go Yankees!!

Jeff  |  Nov 10, 2009 at 11:18 am

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