San Juan Bautista

San Juan Bautista

I brought my DSLR camera with me to work today, and after I got off, I walked around town snapping photos. This shot is of a dove hanging out on top of the mission roof. He caught my eye because he was cooing so loud.

Chicken and her ChicksSan Juan Bautista

Here are the town chickens! I love them. They were running like mad crazy, so it was hard to get a good shot. There where a couple of hatches of baby chicks that were so cute but so loud! They go “cheep-cheep-cheep” times 12!

San Juan BautistaSan Juan Bautista

Hanging out next to the chickens were – believe it or not – a whole crew of cats and kittens.They were a little shy. There must have been about 6 or so of them all hanging out in front of this house.

San Juan BautistaSan Juan Bautista

I also got some nice shots of different kinds of fences, old buildings, and the mission.

San Juan BautistaSan Juan Bautista

San Juan BautistaSan Juan Bautista

I think i’m getting to know my camera a bit better now, but still have a lot to learn and experiment with.

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