Thai Food and Marina Sunset
On Tuesday, we went to go eat at our favorite local Thai restaurant in Marina. Well, actually, its more our favorite by default since its the only real Thai restaurant in the area. As we drove up to the little house – we noticed a sign saying “Under New Ownership”. We simultaneously let out a worried “Ooooohhhh….” but quickly decided we had to give it a shot. It ended up being the same friendly waiter, the same great food, and the same great price. The only bad thing was that they were only accepting cash or check. Jeff and I asked each other, who the hell carries around checkbooks? But lo-and-behold, the tables around us paid with check! Must be an old-person thing. =P
Our usual order consists of a soup or appetizer, curry, and noodles. If we’re lucky, we get dessert! We were worried we wouldn’t have enough cash for it, but we barely did. This time we ordered:
1) Tom Khai Gai Soup – coconut milk, chicken, mushrooms and spices
2) Red Curry with Beef and a side of rice
3) Spicy Basil Garlic Noodles
4) Mango with Sticky Rice
It was all soooo yummy. We were so happy that they had the mango sticky rice dessert! The last few times we went they were out of mangoes. Next time we go I will take pictures because the place is pretty cute and I love taking new people there.
After we ate dinner, we noticed the sunset looked awesome. We quickly drove over to the beach and arrived just a few seconds before the sunset. So amazing!
The sky was so crazy looking. I really miss living in Marina to catch these wonderful sunsets at the beach. But I sure don’t miss that thick fog every day!
While we were driving back to Salinas, I noticed a strange formation in the clouds. Take a look. It seems like there is a rainbow within the clouds/fog. I swear it is, but Jeff doesn’t fully believe. What do you think? Click on the picture to see it up close.
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Comments ( 2 )
christina | Aug 12, 2008 at 1:44 pmI miss Marina too even the fog. It’s such a cute and diverse neighborhood. About the fog rainbow … it sort of looks like a plane flew through the clouds and drug them along with it. Which could be true because there is a tiny airport in Marina, I think or somewhere around there.
Diane | Aug 12, 2008 at 2:16 pmBut the angle that it was at was coming straight from the ground up, so it couldn’t have been an airplane since they don’t travel straight up.. mysterious!