Helping Vincent Adjust to his Helmet

First day with Helmet

My friends who have seen Vincent with his new helmet on say he looks like Megaman!

The day that Vincent got his helmet, he also ended up getting a cold! Poor guy! He was sneezing and nose running, congested and everything. Jeff ALSO ended up catching Vincent’s cold, so on Friday, i had to work from home while babysitting Vincent with his helmet and Jeff stayed in bed all day.″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”original” group=”” align=”none”]

Took him in for a quick adjustment on his helmet. He fell asleep in the car, (its only 5 minutes away, if even!) and was so sleepy he kept sleeping after i got him out of the carseat and signed in at the front desk! He was so cute.

The doctor came out and took off his helmet * ripp * goes the velcro! So he woke up. But was very still and just laid on me.

New park in salinas

After the doctor, we walked a couple blocks from the office to a new park i found on Google Maps.

New park in salinas

It has a big long slide, a basketball hoop sort-of thing, a train, a see saw, and a play structure. Also a really big hill! Vincent didn’t want to leave when we were done.

Jamba Juice

We then went to Jamba Juice to get Daddy a vitamin boost drink. He was so rascal in there while we waited. He was grabbing at all the snacks available for purchase that were at “kid level” and shaking the stools so that they made a horrendous amount of noise. Yes, that is my kid that is making all the mischief…and this is BEFORE he gets the sugar rush from the smoothie! BTW, he loved his first smoothie! Carribbean Passion, i think it was. Passion fruit, and some peach.

Halloween 2012

It takes a lot to watch him with his helmet because he gets fussy if you dont constantly play with him. So i took him outside a bunch, let him walk on the sidewalk, and check the pumpkins we still had from Halloween. He like eating rocks and feeling the plants, too.

Halloween 2012

He found a pinwheel from his birthday party that was outside on the ground. Struggled to get to it, but when he did he was happy.

Halloween 2012

He is learning how to go up an down stairs.

Halloween 2012

He mostly just holds my hand when he goes down and “drops” over the edge. Climbing back up, he will lift his leg if he can, but most of the steps we have here are way too big for him, so he needs to crawl up. He gets a kick out of it though, once he gets to the top!

Sleeping with Helmet!

So far he is OK with naps with the helmet on, but he doesnt do too well at nighttime. Overall, i’d say he is adjusting pretty well though. He sweats a lot but that is to be expected.


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