Santa Cruz Warriors Basketball Game

Santa Claus gave the McGirr family 3 tickets to the Santa Cruz Warriors game! They are a D-leauge basketball team that started up in the last fea years. We were late getting to the game, because we were already running late, and then we could not find parking in Downtown Santa Cruz! We walked in midway through the first quarter. Vinny was very interested at first. He usually loves to play with the basketball hoop.

He did  start to get a little antsy so we let him sit his own seat and play on the iPhone a bit. I couldn’t get a good picture of him except when i turned the mirroring on, then he was happy to see himself i the camera. We wore matching Santa Cruz Warrior shirts!

He also got some snacks and wanted to feed Daddy.

The game was exciting at first, but then pretty quickly, opponents started to take the lead and “got their asses handed to them” (according to Jeff). We left a bit early because Vincent was ready to go since it was pretty late in the evening. I’d say Vincent was actually most excited to walk from the parking lot to the venue where he could see all the cars rushing by with their headlights on. I had a good time despite getting round 2 of a another cold. It would be fun to go back again and see another game.


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