Nice Visit from Grandpa Mike

Jeff’s father (who lives in Florida) had a business conference in San Jose so he decided to visit us for the weekend since he was so close. Mike hadn’t seen Vincent since he was born. Mike came to our house on Thursday night and left on Sunday morning.

Grandpa Mike Visits

Grandpa Mike got to feed Vincent some dinner the evening he came down. I’m not sure what it was… i think some pears? He was into grabbing the spoon… as well as the bowl! What stellar behavior for our guest Vincent…

On Saturday morning, Grandpa and Mom (me!) were up pretty early! We hung out, ate some breakfast, and rolled around on the ground.

Grandpa Mike Visits

Grandpa was trying to teach Vincent how to lift up and crawl.

Later in the day, after Jeff got up, we all packed in the car and drove to Del Monte Shopping Center to look at the Apple store. I went to Lucys to try and find more workout clothes. Are at pizza my heart for lunch (mmmm) then headed to Dennis the Menace park.

Dennis the Menace Park

We first walked over the wooden suspension bridge.

Dennis the Menace Park

Then we took a portrait of just the guys.

Dennis the Menace Park

I told Jeff to bring vinny down the rolly slide. He seemed to like it.

Dennis the Menace Park

Then I took him down the squiggly slide and his face sure lit up!

Next were the swings! This one fit a it better than the one at our neighborhood park. He enjoyed it so much!

Dennis the Menace Park

Lastly we hung out on the grass and soaked up the sun and gorgeous weather.

Dennis the Menace Park

One last picture by the Dennis the Menace statue!

When we got home we chatted with Grandma Lisa.

Grandpa Mike Visits

Can you see, Toby and Butters are even in on the action.

Grandpa Mike Visits

We even figured out how to video chat from the iPad2!

Grandpa Mike will be visiting us again in April and will be coming down with Grandma Lisa as well. By then, Grandpa Mike thinks Vinny will have teeth! =D

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