Impromptu “Date” Night

Korean BBQ

Friday night, so lazy to cook lately! So we decided to drive out to Monterey (still loving our new car i guess!) and find a restaurant to eat at. Before we left i said i wanted to eat some Korean food, so that is where we ended up – a Korean BBQ place in downtown Monterey.

When we get there the lady asks me if i am having a boy or a girl, and we tell her its a surprise and she predicts “boy” – seems to be the consensus among the general public! I wanted som Meat-Jun really bad, and didnt see it on the menu so asked for some. She gave me a weird look and then said, oh, we dont have that… only people from Hawaii ask for that! Haha, i keep forgetting is a total local thing. So i got a rice bowl with “veggies and mixture” — LOL! We laughed about that because the “mixture” contained BBQ beef. Which is fine by me but it just seems more like it would be vegetarian thing from the heading.

I love all the little dishes of pickled veggies you get when you eat at a Korean place. It was fun! Jeff ordered BBQ beef. It was really tasty!

After our meal, i insisted we go to Myo – a self-serve frozen yogurt place that has a bunch of flavors and toppings to choose from.

Out to Monterey

I always like to get some sort of sorbet and vanilla yogurt, so thats what i got. Watermelon sorbet was what they had this time, and i opted to try a little of their cookies and cream. Topped with graham crackers, some smores bits, and mini mochi! I was so excited for the mochi. This shirt i am wearing the girls from work gave me on their work trip to Chicago (HOW Design conference – couldn’t fly being in my last weeks of pregnancy!)

myo frozen yogurt!

Can’t quite remember what Jeff got. I think the toppings included coconut and pretzels. Believe it or not, that is the smallest container they had available! You pay be weight so you can fill it as much or little as you want and you pay for what you get. But of course the bigger you bowl the more you are gonna fill it! I practically ate every last bite, but i think Jeff controlled himself better than me and knew when he was done. =)

I just found out that they are opening one in Salinas, right by our house. So excited! Love me some dessert!

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